Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Well, It Ain't Bad News!!

By now all of you that are waterfowl hunters have heard the good news concerning the high increase in duck numbers. It seems that breeding habitat, weather, and food all came together to produce a "whopping" 25% increase in duck population. This in itself is great news. You can imagine my excitement in anticipation of the release of the 2009-10 waterfowl season and bag limits.

Well, it wasn't exactly what I hoped for .... but it wasn't dismal either. I had hoped for an increase in daily bag limits. that didn't happen, it remains at 6. But, what did happen is that we can harvest canvasbacks this year due to a 17% increase in Can population. Wood ducks went to 3 per day and with a 14% increase (still below the 10 year target) scaup went from 1 a day to 2 a day.

Not the most exciting bag limit, but it don't suck either.

We are now in the middle of August which puts the opening day of Dove season just around the corner with Teal season following the very next weekend. I'm already getting excited and I'm already wondering how I am going to get everything done before then!! I am running out of time ... I have decoy weights to make, decoys to paint, strings to cut, rotating winged decoys to repair, a walk-way to build, blinds to brush, .... I mean it ... time is getting short!!

Mr. Kilgo .... drop me a line

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